Neustar partners with Permutive to Provide Addressability, Scale and Privacy Through Publisher Cohort-Based Advertising

Neustar Inc., a TransUnion company, today announced a partnership with Permutive to enable trusted connections between advertisers and publishers by bridging the gap between consumer identity data and a privacy-first web.

The partnership brings together the Neustar Fabrick™ data connectivity platform within the Permutive Audience Platform for advertisers and publishers to collaborate securely without the use of third-party cookies or device IDs. The partnership safeguards advertiser and publisher first-party identity data to bring addressability, transparency and privacy to digital advertising.

Permutive’s Audience Platform powers the leading Publisher Cohort Infrastructure on the open web. Extending Neustar Fabrick into cohorts allows publishers to meet advertisers’ demand for their audiences in a secure environment. This partnership is the first integration of this kind at Permutive and paves the way for a more responsible web.

With this partnership, advertisers and publishers can work together to build and activate their desired audiences at scale via Publisher Cohorts across high-quality, premium publisher inventory. Publisher Cohorts are a privacy-preserving approach to activation that groups like-minded users based on similar characteristics and behaviors – without identifying individuals.

Powered by OTT Advertising

OTT Analytics

As the economy is getting battered due to Covid 19, OTT consumption is scaling up; Mobile has become the Home for Premium video consumption.  

This emerging landscape has provided a great opportunity for Marketers and Agencies to work towards creating the much-needed rich creative environment that can aid impactful Creative Storytelling powered by Data-led In-app Programmatic Targeting. Buoyed by the surge in demand for Online Video, Media planners are increasing their programmatic budgetary allocations for OTT services.

As Marketers we need to explore the emerging contours of this exciting digital marketing opportunity and delve deeper into how to make the most of this data-led programmatic and mobile goldmine.

And understand how the growth of the OTT provides marketers a great opportunity to be seen and heard in the right environment, by the right audience and at the right time. Some Key Questions to ponder

  • What is the DNA of the post-pandemic consumer who has gotten used to staying at home more than ever in their life and how best to serve them?
  • What does it mean to the ecosystem of brands, advertisers, and media planners?
  • How in-app programmatic video can bridge creative and data for brands and publishers?
  • What kind of skill sets are needed to tackle the needs of this ‘new’ consumer set and target them with the right creative?
  • How to strategize the increasing relevance and importance of data safety in the emerging landscape.
  • Can the premium nature of programmatic video be the answer to many of the challenges being faced currently?
  • What needs to be done to unlock this opportunity to the optimum?
OTT Analytics. Programmatic Advertising

Define Marketing Success with ML/AI

Predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and AI techniques to identify possible future outcomes. This can help you stay ahead of the curve and assess the future of your marketing. Here are a few ways that you can use AI and predictive analytics in your marketing.

Optimizing marketing campaigns

With predictive analytics, it works just like the Scientific Method by having a hypothesis and then proving it either right or wrong. You can use the data to determine what customer segments and audiences will be the most effective to reach and create actionable insights.

With accurate reporting, you can accurately tell whether a campaign was successful and optimize where it may fall short. This lays the groundwork for best practices of strategies to follow, not just in marketing, but sales and business decisions as well.

Predicting customer behavior

Data is the most accurate way to predict a customer’s “next move” in your business model- especially online. Using behavioral data with customer journeys, you can predict engagement points on when you think a customer may convert. You can also track “drop-off points” and see where you may be losing people whether it is due to confusing content or a dead end in the journey.

By mapping these patterns, at both one-to-many and one-to-one marketing, you can give insight into the outcomes of campaigns and help drive to the outcomes that you want.You can also use this information to do profile scoring and build customer models.

According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, predictive analytics users are twice as likely to identify high-value customers and market the right offer. By doing all of this you can identify potential leads and prioritize the ones that are most likely to convert.

Personalizing content

By being able to predict customer behavior and build models off that data, you can then personalize your content to target those certain leads. By targeting the right audience at the right time, you can show more accurate paths to ROI.

By using historical data to see the behavior of past customers, you can use that to determine and create personalized messages.

Easily scale Tailored and Personalized Journeys.


Advanced segmentation dives deep into the behavioural and lifestyle analysis that allows to look at not just demographics, but the actual products like-minded customers are purchasing.  Use sophisticated algorithms to scan high volumes of customer data to groups customers into lifestyle segments.

Identify key customer segments in terms of behaviour, interests, preferences and opportunity through advanced segmentation and visualize customers across key milestones bench marked. With the ability to get as granular as you need across unlimited customer attributes, your ability to segment and deliver targeted communications across relevant touch points is infinite.

Advanced, & Granular Segmentation

By employing advanced segmentation, marketers can group customers on products and behaviors, see how they move between segments, and identify motivations that build messaging that drives behaviour.

Know Your Customer

Deep Segmentation across Customer Segments, Brand Value and Customer Lifestyle can power an Automated Offer Engine. These Customer Indicators Influence and deliver a Next Best Action that engages customers through tailored Product Recommendations, Up sell opportunities, Promotions and Relevant Offers.

10 Questions to Ask Your Customer Data Platform Vendor – REDPOINT

A true CDP is an enterprise solution that ingests all sources and types of enterprise customer data to provide an always-on, always-updating golden record that is continually available at low latency to all touch-points and users across an enterprise.

Customer Data Platform

It should help you…

  1. Bring together data from across your organization;
  2. Know all that is knowable about your customers;
  3. Deliver relevant, personalized offers whether customers are in your physical location, online, or on their mobile device;
  4. Recognize a customer across multiple channels and interaction touch-points;
  5. Build progressive profiles and create privacy-compliant persistent customer records that anyone appropriate throughout the enterprise can access when they need it.

There are 10 questions you should ask the vendors on your short list to ensure their platform meets that criteria before you invest in their CDP:

  1. What kind of data structures does the CDP accept? A true customer data platform supports any kind of data, whether batch or streaming, internal or external, structured or unstructured, transactional or demographic, personal or general.
  2. What kinds of databases does the customer data platform integrate with? CDPs are database-agnostic and take an open garden approach to handling data. This means it should be able to function equally well with Hadoop, NoSQL, and traditional data warehouse technologies.
  3. What solutions does the CDP accept data from? The function of a CDP is to provide a fully unified view of the customer. Real customer data platforms are able to ingest data from every solution in the marketing stack, without limitation.
  4. How does the customer data platform resolve customer identities across touchpoints? CDPs are meant to provide a single point of control for all that is knowable about a customer, whether that point of control is in marketing, IT, or elsewhere. Identity resolution — the process through which individual customers’ identities are searched, analyzed, and linked across disparate data sources — is a key facet of learning all that is knowable about a customer.
  5. Can the CDP accept data from offline and online sources? – Many customer data platforms are designed to ingest data only from digital sources. It’s not possible to create a holistic customer view solely with online data. A true CDP accepts data from offline sources just as easily.
  6. Does the customer data platform accept batch and streaming data? Some data tools can process only batch data or only streaming data, not both. Real CDPs accept, ingest, and process both.
  7. Can the lines of business easily leverage the CDP? Customer data platforms are not IT-only solutions. They’re meant to make it easier for marketers and other business users to access the cleansed customer information they need in real time and without IT assistance. IT can be that single point of control that manages the data, but, ideally, they won’t need to use the CDP to provide marketers with models and data cuts.
  8. How flexible is the CDP? A customer data platform that requires expensive updating to accept data from new sources isn’t as robust or useful as a CDP that is built to easily accept new inputs.
  9. Is it easy to keep the unified customer profile updated? The hallmark of a CDP is that it keeps each customer’s golden record constantly updated. If the solution you’re considering can’t do that, it’s probably not a real customer data platform.
  10. How quickly is clean, updated customer data made available? Many solutions help marketing build and maintain a golden customer record, but only a true CDP makes that profile available to marketers and other line of business users in one or two seconds or at most a few minutes. “Onboarding” processes that take 24 hours to ingest new first-party data are not the speed of the customer.

Understanding User listening Behavior is essential for Personalizing Music listening experiences on Spotify

Spotify Music Recommenders

Spotify uses machine learning recommenders that take into account what and how users consume playlists and the rich diversity of playlist experiences

User engagement (UE) is a quality of user experience characterized by the depth of an actor’s cognitive, temporal, affective and behavioural investment when interacting with a digital system (O’Brien, 2016a)

User Engagement Metrics

“Our customers always tell us that music discovery and listening is a personal experience, and we are enhancing the free experience with this in mind,” said Babar Zafar, VP of Product Development at Spotify. “This is the beginning of an evolution for Spotify and we will continue to make improvements that mirror our customers’ needs. This is not only about giving users a more customized free experience from the day they sign up, but giving them more control over their listening experience so they can easily find and stream their favorites anytime, from anywhere.”

Insights Engine: Go beyond Transactions data: Gauge the Customer Intent

With Advanced Analytics platform, you can increase your return on investment across marketing, sales, product and category management, by:

Growth for Knowledge (GFK) Consumer Insights Engine
  • Understanding Customers/Prospects
  • Stimulating Demand with Messaging
  • Optimizing Visibility with Marketing Channel Mix
  • Becoming the chosen brand in the target Market
  • Providing the optimal customer product experience
  • Win at every stage of the purchase journey

Empowering Marketing, Sales, Product, and Category Management Business functions to answer key questions with Actionable Insights

  • What triggers the realization of a need to purchase?
  • What channels do consumers use when researching products?
  • What are the important attributes for consumers when deciding to purchase?
  • What do the purchasers think, & talk about the products?
  • How understanding your customer’s purchasing behaviors and decision-making can drive sales.

The Consumer Journey Module is the first, and only solution for Manufacturers, and Retailers in the technology and Consumer Durables Industries to combine the most comprehensive collection of point of sales data with

  • AI Enabled Consumer Review Data
  • Online Consumer Behaviour Data


LiveRamp Acquires Faktor

LiveRamp has announced their acquisition of the consent management platform Faktor that would enable them to expand their suite of privacy offerings and their commitment to data stewardship.

They will be able to offer a product benefiting not only to their consumers, but also publishers and brands. Consumers will be able to better manage how and where their data is used; publishers will receive the tools they need to operate sustainable business models; and brands can provide more meaningful experiences to their customers.


In the coming quarters, any client or partner who needs to manage consent and maintain transparency to ensure compliance with CCPA can utilize LiveRamp’s suite of privacy tools. LiveRamp’s identity platform will also be fully integrated with Faktor’s offerings, unlocking several opportunities.

  • Consumers will enjoy central consent management and persistent cross-device privacy controls.
  • Publishers will have access to a fully integrated consent and identity platform, enabling improved monetization and stronger consumer relationship
  • Brands can deepen their relationships with consumers by making consent and transparency a pillar of their customer relationships

Faktor will remain headquartered in Amsterdam while simultaneously tapping into LiveRamp’s expansive global footprint to cross-sell products and services throughout its combined client portfolio. Faktor will also retain an independent roadmap, with its own dedicated product and engineering resources.